Reviews for GVPT105S

Information Review
Stacy Kosko

Expecting an A
Okay this class was SUPER long. Although I signed up for International Studies, I didn't really think that it entailed so much discussion on international ethics. Personally, that is not at all something that I am interested in, so I did not like the class. Also, there are A LOT of readings that take forever, so make sure to block out time for that. The lessons are usually just class wide discussions about ethics and it can get frustrating at times. Unless there is a major change in the curriculum, I would say don't stick with International Studies.
James Glass

Expecting an A
Dr. Glass is a cool guy who has both eloquence and intelligence. At first, lectures were concise, helpful, and analysing the assigned readings (Plato, Machiavelli, etc.). However, mid-way he began to go off-topic and talk about US politics and Trump for 50 minutes straight. 3 papers and 3 pop quizzes (lowest quiz grade dropped) make your grade.
James Glass

Expecting an A-
Professor Glass - as a PERSON - is great. He's very kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and passionate. But his classes are extremely boring, and he relies almost completely on his TAs, who never seem to know what's going on. I would not recommend being in International Studies for College Park Scholars. Luckily I had a really cool TA so it wasn't as stressful, but we had five grades for the entire semester, 3 of which were long 5-7/6-8 papers based entirely on really dry readings. Lecture wasn't mandatory but he gave "pop" quizzes, but after half the class missed the first pop quiz they warned us beforehand about quizzes. He's a nice guy and you can probably get away without doing the readings and the TA's were easy graders, so an A can be expected (if you don't miss a quiz and submit every paper). But be prepared to be bored out of your mind, as every class he sits and talks for 50 minutes straight and never gives presentations - he doesn't do anything other than ramble. Be prepared to have convoluted and unclear topics for papers with TA's who won't be much help.