Reviews for GVPT221

Information Review
Piotr Swistak

Expecting an A+
So this class and professor analyze political decision making, or to be honest more so just overall decision making, from a mathematical and logical lens. I honestly think a lot of gov majors lack logic skills, and perhaps ignore the syllabus and professors warning that if this is you, this class may not be your discipline. Half the class drops the course failing, but for those who are interested in logical analysis of decisions, this course was fascinating. I found the professor to explain things very well, and was willing to go slow and re explain things that made no sense at first. Prof Swistak puts effort into his teaching and presentation which is appreciated. I found him to be a very nice man, and recommend him if you have an interest in this field.
Piotr Swistak

Expecting a C
While Professor Swistak is very intelligent, his teaching to me felt old-fashioned. I couldn't connect with the lectures having to rely on self-teaching and going to a TA who was only slightly helpful as he was confused about the content a few times. I would say go into the class and make sure to make good connections with other students and not be afraid to ask other students for help in class as that is how I was able to learn about stuff more easily, as they were more helpful and approachable than the professor. This is also necessary when it comes to homework which is much more difficult and longer than the exams themself. Most people drop this class in the beginning and the middle as we started with around 20 and then ended with only 10. I managed to end the class with a B- but if you put in more effort and are naturally intelligent you should be fine.