Reviews for GVPT289J

Information Review
Scott Kastner

Expecting an A
Professor Kastner is a really knowledgeable lecturer on East Asian politics. If you take GVPT289J you probably have some sort of interest in the inner workings of China overall, and Kastner does his best to quench your thirst through curated PowerPoints on major topics such as economy and cultural explanations of China's role in past and current events. The course grades are primarily divided into three major essay assignments, about 4 pages each, that ask you to explain the US-China relations in different fields. Attending the lectures should be enough to give you all the information that you need. Overall I think it was a very entertaining class with just the right amount of difficulty for an elective.
Scott Kastner

Expecting an A+
Prof Kastner is really knowledgeable about the East Asia region and it showed through his lectures. I appreciated the way in which he took the time to answer students' questions to the best of his ability, and he did a good job explaining more complex topics. There were about 3 major essays which were fairly open-ended and easy to respond if you listened in lecture.