Topics in Comparative Politics; Identity Politics: Constructing a Gender Inclusive Society

This course sets the foundation for exploring identity politics with a juxtaposition of varying theories about identity, with a special emphasis on gender. Building on this literature we examine empirically how gender rights and rights of the LGBTQ community vary across the world, how these have changed over time, and what are some of the cross-national correlates of change. We then delve deep to the sub-national case level to ask how a gender inclusive society was built in Iceland, which is currently ranked first in gender equality in the World Economic Forums World Gender Gap Index and, according to the Global Acceptance Index, ranks among the five most LGBTQ rights accepting countries in the world. This is a Global Classrooms course, developed in partnership with the Office of International Affairs (OIA) to provide virtual opportunities for global engagement. Global Classrooms can range from embedded experiences to immersive, project-based collaboration. Learn more about Global Classrooms: go.umd.edu/gc-umd.

Sister Courses: GVPT359A, GVPT359B, GVPT359D, GVPT359F, GVPT359G, GVPT359N

Past Semesters

30 reviews
Average rating: 3.07

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.