Reviews for GVPT445

Information Review
Vladimir Tismaneanu

Expecting an A+
He is extremely knowledgable about what he teaches and his lectures are super engaging since he includes several personal anecdotes. He can be quiet/hard to understand sometimes and it can be difficult to follow the flow of what his lectures are about at first, but you get used to it. He doesn't necessarily follow his syllabus (which can be frustrating if you like structure) but his class was a lot more about learning rather than a grade. The way he structured the class was how a college class should be: you show up to lectures and listen and don't have busy work. There were only two papers and a small discussion grade which is easy to do well on if you show up to lectures and do a short extra credit presentation. He gives a lot of freedom which encourages learning and paying attention. I will definitely take more classes with him before I graduate and recommend him to everyone.
Vladimir Tismaneanu

Expecting an A+
I love this guy. His accent is a bit difficult to understand, but he is so kind and really funny. He laughs at his own jokes all the time and could talk about the course content for hours. So knowledgeable and passionate about helping his students. He doesn't bother assigning any busy work which is great. The class is basically one final paper and if you meet with him during office hours he'll help you outline the whole thing. Super generous and wise! Would definitely recommend.