Reviews for GVPT484

Information Review
Conny Kazungu Sigel

Expecting an A
I really appreciated Dr. Kazungu's connection with her class, she seemed genuinely nice and thoughtful, 5/5 stars if this was the main point of the review. However, her teaching style was absolutely not for me. The subject was defined as "a comparative study of the governmental systems and political processes of the African countries." We barely studied this. Instead of going over theory / trends / structures, we instead looked at specific examples that were then applied to generalizations, and the class was treated more as a history of Africa class (if even that) with some light political science thrown in. Slides were completely all over the place, I couldn't take coherent notes and gave up 1/3 of the way through the semester. In many cases, slides next to each other either contradicted each other's points, were only made of examples with no explanation or topic, or just made no sense at all. For example, points made included: "There are probably no countries where there is not some trace of traditional political systems" and "Africans had mastered the river Nila and Senegal coast (through use of canoes). However, European ships had technological superiority" I'm sorry but what? The points are there but are completely muddled, why say probably? Why would I trust the information that has been communicated if the professor is unsure about it themself? There were also way too many presentations, (3 presentations) x (6 groups) = 36 presentations in a semester, that is insane. In some cases we had to skip entire lectures to just catch up on presentations. Participation was also mandatory. Overall, what everyone else has already said as well. Excellent professor if the class was "Communication and Approachability with Students 101."