Undergraduate Research in Cybersecurity

Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program; and permission of UGST-HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program. The Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program encourages its students to engage in research in order to gain greater insight into a specific area within cybersecurity, obtain an appreciation for the subtleties and difficulties associated with the production of knowledge and fundamental new applications, and to prepare for graduate school and the workforce.

Past Semesters

45 reviews
Average rating: 1.33

2 reviews
Average rating: 4.00

17 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

2 reviews
Average rating: 1.00

21 reviews
Average rating: 2.81

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

2 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

17 reviews
Average rating: 2.24

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.