Ante-Bellum America 1815-1861

Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST210, HIST213, HIST222, HIST254, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156; or permission of instructor. Traces how the strong nationalism after the War of 1812 transformed int the sectionalism that led to Civil War. The course concentrates on the controversies over slavery and other issues contributing to North-South antagonism, including Jacksonian democracy, capitalism, racism, immigration, manifest destiny and religious, social, and intellectual movements, each of which produced its own social tendencies and tensions.

Spring 2024

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

Past Semesters

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

3 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

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Average rating: N/A

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.