Reviews for HIST429G

Information Review
Jonathan Allen

Expecting a B
Stay away from this professor and this class specifically. With no prerequisites to take this class, you will realize that you have to be fluent in languages you have never heard of before to be able to pass the class. Another thing that is not mentioned in the class description is that the class is in combination with another college in the UK and you will have to work on a group project with groupmates beyond oceans with a huge time difference. It is because this class is offered at UMD as an option but the bigger portion of the class is in the UK so you will have to follow their schedule since there are 2 other professors in the UK teaching this same class. Even though it says in person in the project description it is a completely online class due to the reason I mentioned above. You do not even have access to this class through your UMD canvas but get another account provided to you by the other college with uses a completely different website for this class. It is a horrible class portal with no organization and everything is all over the place and nothing is described properly in any project. In addition to all that grading methods in this class are completely set to fail you because 50% of your final grade is based on your final project which is a project that was aimed at the Ph.D. students in Digital Humanities. If you do not have Ph.D. level experience in digital humanities with secondary languages like Arabic, Urdu, Persian etc. you are most likely to fail or get a horrible grade that will damage your GPA horribly. All of the three professors that teach this class seem and sound very nice and friendly but when it comes to grading, their expectations are that you provide the same level of the product as the Ph.D. student and if not you will receive a grade accordingly to that despite how much effort you put into your projects. It is listed as an elective course without any prerequisites for undergrads but the level of difficulty of this class is definitely for Ph.D. students. Stay away from this specific class and save yourself semester-long anxiety and stress which will last longer than the normal UMD semester schedule because this class follows the schedule of the other college in the UK and not the UMD schedule.