Reviews for HLSC374

Information Review
Jonathan Simon

Expecting an A+
I found Dr. Simon to be a perfectly good teacher. His lectures were well-paced and easy to understand. He regularly paused to ask if anyone had questions, and with his friendly demeanor, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all raising my hand to get something clarified. Dr. Simon answered questions very thoroughly, as well. I only went to his office hours once, but from that experience, I'd bet that if you went there, you'd have everything you're unsure about explained. Specifically for HLSC374, the Python labs were helpful for reinforcing topics covered earlier in lecture, and the lab handouts laid everything out very clearly and in basic terms, so labs were a breeze. Similarly, the exams were a breeze because they were open-note, and on top of that, they were given a significant curve. Homework was given out weekly, didn't take very long to complete (1, maybe 2 hours), and served as good practice for the exams. So long as you attend lecture, take good notes, and do the assignments, you should be good to go for this class. Even failing that, there's always Dr. Simon himself to ask questions to or visit in office hours.