Reviews for HLTH301

Information Review
Kerry Green

Dr. Green's class has definitely changed since the other girl posted in 2011. Her class consists of two exams, a final, and some assignments. Each exam is worth 25% of your grade and all of the assignments combined are worth the last 25%. There is not "dropping" exams now, assignments are for accuracy, and no online quizzes. She also does not give a formula sheet. Her exams are not easy! They are not impossible, but just memorizing her slides and reading the book will not help. You must actually understand and think because her questions on exams are ALL conceptual. I ended up getting a B in the class but it took a decent amount of effort.
Pamela Clark

Expecting an A
Dr. Clark is an awesome professor. She really wants you to understand Epidemiology. I had so much anxiety about taking this class but she helped me to get passed it. She made an otherwise boring class very interesting. I would take her again if I could. If you come to class and study the given material you should be well prepared for exams and pop quizzes.