Reviews for HNUH248O

Information Review
Cody Buntain

Expecting an A+
I can only speak to what I've seen in this honors gen-ed course, but Buntain is pretty chill and clearly intelligent. In this class, he only gives 5 main assignments (which are to present a given paper/article related to AI) as well holding 2 in-class debates and a final written op-ed. The rest of the course is really just engaging with other peoples' presentations and perhaps he'll call on you to give an insight. Since most of this course was student-driven, I find it futile to comment on his teaching skills, but I will mention he is quite articulate. His grading was VERY lenient, I'd say: I don't think anyone received a grade less than 90 or maybe 85 on a single assignment—making this class a guaranteed A if you give even a bit of effort. Overall I'd recommend, not because the course imbues lots of information (which it does) but because it'll offer new perspectives in a lot of new ways.