Reviews for HNUH288A

Information Review
Julius Fleming

He assigned very long readings to us every other day during the beginning of the semester which made this UH cluster a lot more tedious than the other ones. There is also a large midterm exam and final paper that make up ~60% of your grade. Material was interesting at times, but if you want a laid back class to satisfy a cluster for UH pick something else.
Julius Fleming

Expecting a B+
Dr. Fleming is a very nice man but a very disorganized teacher. As someone who likes structure and who needs good communication to thrive I struggled in his class. Often times he does not post assignments or materials until very late on and his elms page is hard to navigate. He assigns many lengthy readings but as long as you read a summary you should be fine but he does expect that people talk about the readings in class. There is two shorter papers, one very intense mid term, and a 10 page final paper. Overall he is very knowledgeable, flexible, and lenient but I would not put this as my top choice for HNUH.
Julius Fleming

Professor Fleming's HNUH288A class had its ups and downs. His expectations were far beyond what they should have been for a UH cluster class, and the readings he assigned were way too long. However, credit is due for his accommodating nature, for he moved deadlines back multiple times throughout the semester, and gave us off-days every so often.
Julius Fleming

Expecting an A-
I feel like it's very easy that Dr. Fleming may be misunderstood. He is genuinely one of the best professors I've gotten to have. He cares deeply about the class, and makes sure that the class understands the content. He is thoughtful, relatable, and kind. As a professor and a human being, he is extraordinary! However, he is a pretty tough grader and sometimes assigns a lot of reading. This is why many students may view him negatively. But he ultimately challenges you to become a better thinker and writer—especially the latter. He is really committed to improving everyone's writing, and leaves constructive feedback to do this when the situation arises. He offers a bunch of extra credit, and is very flexible in dropping assignments and class meetings for students to improve their health and their work. One thing I will stress is to FOCUS on the FINAL PAPER. There is a lot of liberty in this paper, and it accounts for a lot of your grade (there's not many grades in the class). He stresses to spend a great deal of time on it, and I can attest that this is essential. Do yourself a favor and really craft a well thought-out paper that engages with the course material. Also, I know that many people had difficulty reaching out to him via email, so do keep that in mind also. Much of the course is very interesting and educates you on something that certainly rarely gets talked about otherwise. As a person, Dr. Fleming is phenomenal. As a professor, he is also amazing, but make sure that you are prepared, put time into the class, and give it your all!
Julius Fleming

Expecting a B+
This course was honestly one of the most interesting courses I've ever taken. Professor Fleming cares about his students, however, nothing was really consistent throughout the course. Even then, he dropped many assignments and changed deadlines whenever necessary which is something that all of us appreciated. Contacting him was a bit hard especially with the final paper, but with how many students he has and how stressful the final season is, I can't be mad at him. The course has a heavy amount of work but it's usually super interesting, however, you don't have to read every single thing; skimming will be your best friend. The midterm exam was difficult if you didn't know what to look towards but the extra credit helped bring up that score. The final paper allowed for a lot of creative freedom as long as it still related to the class, however, without a provided rubric it was hard to really know what was being graded. Along with that, it was 8-10 pages even though in class he said it was 6-8. I can't deny there were points where I was frustrated with the class due to the lack of communication at some points, but it was overall a fairly fun course and I would recommend it to those who are actually interested in the topic. Do not take this if you don't think you'll be interested or won't put the work in though.
Julius Fleming

Expecting an A-
When I took this course, it was extremely disorganized, although that is forgivable because when I took this course, it was the first semester the course was available, so both the prof and the students figured out how to work the course as we went through the semester. Professor Fleming is a harsh grader, no cap. However, he is EXTREMELY forgiving with deadlines, provides extra credit, and dropped many assignments for the betterment of our mental health. One thing I must note is that although he consistently claimed to be quite available to students, I generally noticed from my peers that it was extremely difficult to contact him through email, phone, or office hours near the end of the semester. However, his personality, aura, and forgiveness make him a pretty good guy.