Reviews for HONR239G

Information Review
Robert Chiles

Expecting an A+
Dr. Chiles is genuinely among the best lecturers in the entire university. He is humble and open, an extraordinary lecturer, incredibly thoughtful, and worldly and clever to boot. His typical history classes are more demanding than this, and they involve drier reading with lots more factual retention, but I know they too are great at expressing narratives. This class in particular is likely never being offered again, which is a shame, as it truly is remarkable. In essence, it is a book club wherein, through reading novels weekly and discussing them at length for two-and-one-half hours, you learn about the history of America through its stories and themes therein. It focuses a lot on humanism and the experience of the underprivileged in the nation, especially immigrants, beginning in our case from about 1850 until modern day. This is the only Zoom class I have been in where everyone always showed up, always had their camera on, and always participated, usually enthusiastically. Almost every student showed up to an optional, extra-credit class even, despite the average grade being an A-/A. If something like this is ever offered again and you enjoy or have enjoyed or think you might enjoy reading, then I would highly suggest it. It also helps you with communication skills and structuring arguments. (I would say writing, too, but the big term paper on the book/week you chose to lead the discussion was reduced in scope.)