Business Management Principles for Turf Facilities
Recommended: INAG107; or PLSC305. Restriction: Must be in a major within the AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department; or must be in one of the following programs (Plant Sciences; Plant Sciences: Horticulture & Crop Production; Plant Sciences: Landscape Management; Plant Sciences: Plant Science; Plant Sciences: Turf & Golf Course Mgmt) ; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Additional information: Enrollment priority is given to students majoring in Turfgrass and Golf Course Management in the Institute of Applied Agriculture and Plant Science and Landscape Architecture. An advanced course in turfgrass management with emphasis on development of maintenance operating budgets for labor, fertilization, pest control, and supplemental cultural practices for golf courses and athletic field facilities. An overview of the current trend in golf course design and construction and in athletic field construction practices will be covered. Students will be responsible for a presentation concerning some phase of turfgrass management relating to golf course or athletic field operations.
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