Apollo at 50

Examines Apollo mission, one of the greatest engineering accomplishments of all time, in which Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Since the mission, people have asked: if we can land on the moon, why can't we eliminate poverty? Why can't we cure cancer? Why can't we prevent global warming? Asks what were the social, political, financial, scientific, engineering, operational, and human aspects of the Apollo program that came together to make the moon landings possible?

Spring 2024

30 reviews
Average rating: 3.90

Past Semesters

10 reviews
Average rating: 4.60

30 reviews
Average rating: 3.90

10 reviews
Average rating: 4.60

30 reviews
Average rating: 3.90

30 reviews
Average rating: 3.90

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.