Reviews for ITAL211

Information Review
Stefania Amodeo

If Amodeo wasn't my teacher, I would love her. She is goofy and funny and exactly what the other review said, a "crazy Italian grandmother." But as a teacher, she is frustrating. She never says what she wants out of us, she just wants us to talk constantly about cities in Italy. I feel like I learned a lot about the historical monuments in Italy this semester but my speaking in Italian, the whole point of 211, didn't really improve at all. And when we have to talk in front of the rest of the class, she makes everyone critique you and points out everything you did wrong, which is nerve-wracking. The final is a half-hour conversation with just her, which I am actually looking forward to because I will do better speaking with just her than standing in front of the whole class and it will help my grade. Honestly, considering how little I speak out in class, she probably thinks I'm an idiot.