Special Topics in Library and Information Science; Diversity in Children's Literature

This 1-credit, online course focuses on diversity issues in children s literature (birth to age 14), including the definition, the characteristics, and examples of diversity. Activities, assignments, and discussions topics will include such areas as identification and evaluation of diversity, building diverse collections, diversity clusters, and collection promotion, among others.

Sister Courses: LBSC708A, LBSC708D, LBSC708E, LBSC708F, LBSC708G, LBSC708L, LBSC708M, LBSC708O, LBSC708T, LBSC708U, LBSC708X, LBSC708Y

Past Semesters

1 review
Average rating: 1.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.