Reviews for LING320

Information Review
William Idsardi

Expecting an A
This class was overall very fair and easy. There is one lab a week, which takes around 2 hours when considering reviewing the prep material, doing voice recordings, analyzing the recordings, and doing the writeup. The grading on these was done by the TA. Sometimes it was very strictly graded which I ended up losing quite a bit of points for, but there are also extra credit opportunities in some labs which helps offset that. There is also a final project with two checkpoints during the semester. The final project was pretty interesting, and these were graded by the professor, who gave really good feedback and suggestions. He is also very helpful during office hours and gives an extension period for every assignment. Normally they are due on Friday but every assignment has a hard deadline on the Monday after really. Overall, is a great class if you need an easy online class that is also fun and interesting.
William Idsardi

Expecting an A
I took LING320 asynchronously with Bill, and it was a solid experience. The course just has you do one self-guided lab each week, which took about 1-3 hours each week, and then a final project of your choosing at the end of the semester. The material is cool but the labs can get a little tedious and repetitive. The TA could occasionally be really strict with grading the labs, but I still think I'll do fine in the class. He's super responsive when you email him and the few recorded lectures he provides, he speaks well. Honestly I just didn't learn that much from this class because the workload was really light and there wasn't too much of a need for like, watching lectures or taking notes or anything. The background you get in LING200/LING240 is enough to carry you most of the way through this class, and there's only a few new concepts that I really felt that I had to learn for this. Regardless, it was a decently cool class and never a burden, and I liked doing the final project, and I have nothing bad to say about Bill, but I honestly wish there was more content because I think there's room for it and I wish I learned more.