Topics in Syntax; Investigating Linguistic Competence: Theory and Methods

Prerequisite: LING311. Exploration of how to study mental grammar given humans lack of conscious access to it. Focus on the distinction between acceptability and grammaticality; critical consideration of alternative theories for how acceptability and grammaticality are linked; and examination of how to study grammatical competence in children.

Sister Courses: LING419A, LING419B, LING419C, LING419D, LING419F, LING419G, LING419H, LING419J, LING419K, LING419L, LING419M, LING419T, LING419W

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.