Algebraic Number Theory I

Prerequisite: MATH601. Algebraic numbers and algebraic integers, algebraic number fields of finite degree, ideals and units, fundamental theorem of algebraic number theory, theory of residue classes, Minkowski's theorem on linear forms, class numbers, Dirichlet's theorem on units, relative algebraic number fields, decomposition group, inertia group and ramification group of prime ideals with respect to a relatively Galois extension.

Fall 2024

11 reviews
Average rating: 4.09

Past Semesters

35 reviews
Average rating: 4.86

26 reviews
Average rating: 4.77

26 reviews
Average rating: 4.77

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.