Antimicrobial Resistance and Me: Understanding the Science and Adapting Behavior to Preserve Human Health

Cross-listed with: NFSC736, ENST736. Improving one's understanding of AMR mechanisms and risks is the first step toward contributing to mitigation of AMR-related risks for human health more broadly. This course is intended to empower participants to identify ways in which AMR impacts their own life, recognize individual behaviors that may contribute to AMR proliferation, and take action to mitigate their contributions to and risks associated with AMR. This course will deliver webinars by educators and researchers throughout the U.S. discussing their AMR-related research and educational activities with emphasis on describing the impacts of work relative to the audience. Participants will be expected to attend live webinar broadcasts and participate in discussion with the speakers and other participants. Students taking the seminar course will also have access to shared resources and forums to further their exploration and engagement with course topics. Class will meet January 28th through March 5th; and March 31st.

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.