Reviews for NFSC315

Information Review
Melissa Rittenhouse

Expecting an A
Great and simple class! She makes it clear what the expectations are and if things need to change, she'll keep us updated. I also love how she gives the TAs opportunities to teach us, especially since it is a fully virtual class.
Robert Jackson

Expecting an A
This class is no doubt one of the more challenging nutrition courses. But Dr. Jackson is extremely knowledgeable about the material. I've never gone to his office hours, cus he's super intimidating, but I studied off his slides and did better than I expected. Lectures were really boring, but make sure you pay attention because if he goes over a concept, or set of statistics twice, it's most likely going to be on the exam. Also, I remember having to memorize a lot of numbers and equations; it doesn't seem relevant but they take up a lot of exam questions so better safe than sorry. there were 3 case studies or something, where you had to talk about conditions of an infant, child, adult. if you don't know how to do it, go to the TA for help... she will guide you in the right direction. good luck. study!!
Robert Jackson

Yes, he is tough- he doesn't curve and you have to know the smallest details. However, the subject is fascinating, he is an amazing lecturer (very funny too!) and he truly has a passion for what he teaches. He also has interesting experiences he is willing to talk about after class. The bottom line is: don't take one of his classes and expect to get an A- take it for the interesting material.