Special Topics in Persian Studies; Digital Art and Media in Iran and Its Diaspora

Cross-listed with FILM298M. Credit only granted for PERS298A or FILM298M. Contemporary communications and individual directions in Iranian art and media function as platforms for personal storytelling and public interventions while providing gateways to learn about Iranian culture, society, and politics. It will explore the history, context, material content, and form of digital art and social media in contemporary Iran and its diaspora by examining audio/visual integrated digital art, multimedia performances, installation, interactive and networked arts as well as experiential and social networking processes in social media technology. Taught in English.

Sister Courses: PERS298B, PERS298M, PERS298T

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.