Reviews for PHIL282

Information Review
Allen Stairs

This class was taught completely online, with only one class a week, which most people stopped coming to anyways. In class, Professor Stairs gave a very convoluted and overly lengthy explanations of the concepts of the class that were not very helpful. Professor Stairs would rarely let me or other students finish speaking when either asking a question or responding to one of his. If I wanted to say something that required multiple sentences, as many things do in a philosophy class, I would typically get cut off in the middle of my second sentence with an interjection by Professor Stairs that was not even relevant to what I was talking about. There was one paper in the class that was supposedly intended to be a paper that challenges current perspectives on the issue of the free will problem, so make sure you spend some time on this. All in all, Professor Stairs is an incredibly knowledgeable person, but a frustrating professor that made the class unnecessary painful when it came to understanding concepts.
Andrew Fyfe

Expecting an A-
Really chill professor. Took this class online during COVID and found the discussions very interesting. The work load was very light and I found he graded quite fairly.