Reviews for PHIL308T

Information Review
Georges Rey

Expecting a B-
If you do not care about your grade all that much, this class is worth every minute. He is a very engaging and intelligent professor, truly cares that the class is able to understand the topics, but as mentioned before the tests require very specific definitions.
Georges Rey

Rey is a pretty decent guy. He's not a great professor, though. He tends to ramble and get excited about topics that are only ancillary to testable material. Not only is this a poor strategy for teaching a graded class, but it also makes him occasionally difficult to follow. Still, he's intelligent and well-intentioned so if you don't understand what he says in class he won't mind at all if you ask him some questions, and he'll likely answer them in a way you can understand. He gives out review sheets that have everything you need to know for the exam. The only problem is that your source of information is his rather shoddy presently unpublished (and consequently unedited) textbook and the lecture notes, which aren't always clear. The review sheets are both good and bad, for obvious reasons. If you study ahead of time, he doesn't mind if you send him (short) emailed questions. (I never studied ahead of time, so I can't attest the strength of that particular claim.) Class with him is kind of a crapshoot. He takes it easy in lecture, and I personally find the material pretty easy, but his tests emphasize his own definitions and (sometimes rather unique) contributions to the field, which can get frustrating when you're trying to study without adequate notes. It's hard to say if I'd advise people to take him or not. He's certainly a viable alternative to a professor with terrible reviews, but on the whole (considering both his teaching style and the tests) I could only give a lukewarm recommendation.