Reviews for PHIL354

Information Review
Allen Stairs

Expecting an A
Stairs is a great professor and does a great job at combining philosophy and physics into one course. However I took this course as a physics minor and I was one of the only people who followed the math and physics. I don't recommend taking this class if you math skills aren't the best. However this class was very stimulating and Stairs does a great job at unbiasedly presenting interesting philosophical arguments.
Allen Stairs

This class definitely had its ups and downs. But that's because of the topic...I don't think the average prof. could teach quantum mechanics and relativity in-depth to students who are not majoring in math or science. Stay away from this course ARHU kids!!! However, Stairs is a great teacher. He was more helpful outside of class, so office hours are a must. As the very least, as long as you put forth the effort, Stairs will not fail you or give you a C. it is possible to get an A. We had a 8 page paper, and two exams. Class attendance was apparently optional.... some days there were only 9 out of 20-some people. I would never recommend PHIL354, however, I do HIGHLY recommend Stairs.