Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics; The Ethics of Markets

Cross-listed with PHIL408E. Credit only granted for PHPE408E or PHIL408E. Markets are pervasive throughout our lives, but we rarely think about them from an ethical perspective. This course examines questions at the intersection of ethics and markets. It asks questions like: what is the extent of permissible market exchange? What sorts of things can be bought and sold on the market? Do markets corrupt our morals? Do markets presuppose certain morals? Does trade between nations lead to tolerance? What are the social responsibilities of business?

Sister Courses: PHPE408, PHPE408A, PHPE408C, PHPE408D, PHPE408J, PHPE408K, PHPE408X, PHPE408Z

Past Semesters

16 reviews
Average rating: 4.75

16 reviews
Average rating: 4.75

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.