Reviews for PHSC415

Information Review
Jessica O'Hara

Expecting an A
Dr. O'Hara is truly both a wonderful human being and a wonderful professor. She is both an inspiration as well as a genuinely kind individual who clearly cares about what she is teaching. Excellent course structure, interesting topics, reinforcing assignments, and fair workload. Easily one of the best classes I've taken in my PHSC degree.
Jessica O'Hara

Expecting an A
I found this class to be super interesting! You essentially learn about common diseases but Dr. OHara made it interesting! You watch lecture videos each week and then go to the lecture and discussion once a week. The lecture videos were very informative and not too long. The content is pretty interesting especially if you are going into healthcare. The weeks alternate between an in-class discussion assignment and an outside of class assignment + quiz. The quizzes were sometimes difficult but not too bad. The exams are similar to the quizzes and if you watch the lecture videos and payed attention, you should be prepared. There are 3 exams (one per 2 modules) and the third one is the final and non-cumulative! Many people did not go to class but I recommend going because I felt it helped reinforce material. There are also participation points from quizzes randomly given between the lecture and discussion, but multiple are dropped if you happen to miss a couple. This class is not hard compared to other bio and chem classes, and Dr. Ohara seems super sweet and helpful! The teaching team always emphasized that they are there to help and I felt that the material from this class was actually really beneficial! I loved the way this class was set up, I truly enjoyed the content, and Dr. OHara is a great professor!
Jessica O'Hara

She'x such a sweet person and her class is structured in a way that is clean and easy to understand. I really love how she's able to explain complicated concepts in an easy way. Not at all a difficult class, but you will still learn a lot.
Jessica O'Hara

Expecting a B+
Very nice professor. Class structure is really organized, content is interesting, and overall not a hard class.