Prerequisite: Native or near native knowledge of and no formal education in Portuguese. In this course, you will identify, review, and expand the linguistic strengths that you already possess as a bilingual speaker. This course targets students who can understand and communicate in Portuguese but have few opportunities to use the language. It also targets students who can understand and express themselves fluently but face challenges with formal grammatical structures when speaking or writing at an academic level. We will emphasize grammatical structures that will expand your capacity to speak Portuguese confidently and increase your familiarity with the writing process. Through class discussions, interviews, and presentations, you will practice and sharpen formal oral skills. You will also expand your reading comprehension and cultural analysis through weekly readings and postings focusing on the Portuguese speaking world's diverse socio-cultural aspects.

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.