Selected Topics in Latin American Literature and Society; Cannibals, Savages and Carnivalization: The Making of Brazilian National Culture

This course introduces students to the main concepts, cultural movement ,and ideas that have shaped Brazilian modern culture. It explores some of the ways in which cultural cannibalism, savagery, and carnivalization have been deployed as symbolic frameworks in the construction of Brazilian modern culture. It explores some of the ways in which cultural cannibalism, savagery, and carnivalization have been deployed as symbolic frameworks in the construction of Brazilian national identity. Through analyses of film, literature, music and visual arts, we will examine how these notions have been used to both reinforce and to cast doubt on official narratives of modernization, racial democracy, economic development, and political emancipation. More broadly, this course will develop in students a critical perspectiveon processes of construction and contestation of national narratives of identity .

Sister Courses: PORT228D, PORT228I, PORT228L

Past Semesters

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