Reviews for PSYC202

Information Review
David Yager

Expecting an A
This class is significantly more difficult than you'd think. The weekly quizzes were difficult, confusing, and graded you on only the smallest details of hours-long lectures. I only started doing well on them after watching the lectures directly before the quizzes (which, by the way, were scheduled on a non-class day). Quizzes were worth 30.4% of the grade and the class average was consistently below a 75%. Exams were better, but very long. However, they were heavily curved. Honestly, I feel like I did not retain most of the lecture content because I spent all of my time trying to strategize against the unfair quizzes. The lectures are interesting and the professor seems like an okay dude, but I don't think he helped me understand the concepts very well at all. Maybe he's better in person.
David Yager

This class was very difficult and I would only recommend it to people who have a burning passion for neuroscience. Dr. Yager was a slightly-above-average lecturer, though he was very skilled at making the course interesting. The quizzes and exams tended to be unnecessarily confusing and I wish some more direction could have been given on the essays. I think this class would have been better if I got to take it in-person.