Reviews for PSYC407

Information Review
David Yager

Expecting a B
This course is the epitome of why the minor is as a whole a useless endeavor that should be avoided for the supplement of actual research ( See the Phenomena of Psyc300 being absolutely useless for teaching research). You'll waste at the average 12 hours of life that you could use for work in a research lab or hwk/real science each week and write lab reports that are in effect glorified narratives of what was conducted in lab. The lab rarely demands an actual understanding of biology and in fact is all about knowing the minimal foundation, going into the lab and doing lab work that is as you guessed it minimalistic. The class teaches basic 'neuroscience techiques' which really are just classic (See: useless) techniques that give you a very minimal understanding of electrophysiology in response to sensory stimuli (This course should be renamed Sensory Neuroscience Lab because there's little behavior actually studied and more principles of supposed circuits firing to supposed ganglians to cause supposed sterotyped behavior that we in majority do not get to see). We use a program (Chart) that is worse than anything on this Earth and generally we can all accept that we learn absolutely nothing in lab other than the pain of learning that we made a massive mistake attempting to finish this minor. And in lecture we are taught what I would call very much minor brush strokes of biology, we genuinely learn a minor amount of the biology of an organism just enough to do the lab but not actually understand the very fundamental information necessary to know anything worthwhile. So in short if you want to take a course where you pretend you've learned something. Go ahead, if you actually want to do neuroscience go join a research lab. I know that if I could go back I wouldn't do this course, it taught me absolutely nothing about neuroscience that I wanted to know. So if I were to break it down into ratings (1 to 5) Professor: 4/5 Materials in lab ( In 301 you're taught all about these magical methods and now you're using metal toothpicks for electrodes) : 1/5 Time Spent efficiently learning: 1/5 Way Course is tested: 1/5 Conclusion: Do something else with your life.