Reviews for PSYC489H

Information Review
A Kruglanski

DO NOT TAKE PSYC489H "Motivated Social Cognition". DO NOT TAKE IT. Worst class I have ever taken! Everyone in the class complained about it constantly. I was warned not to take this class and I should have listened. It only meets once a week but the weekly readings are insufferable. Don't be fooled by the high grade distribution, you have to work very hard to get an A in this class. Every week you are required to read exhaustingly long and difficult to understand articles and answer questions about them. Then, you discuss the articles during class. There is one group presentation and a final paper. These are graded extremely subjectively and openly criticized during class. Although Dr.Kruglanski is very smart, he is also demeaning, arrogant, and dismissive of any concerns. If you are thinking about taking this class because you are in the psych honors program or you need an upper level theme 3 requirement - FIND ANOTHER CLASS. If you already know that you really enjoy the topic of motivation, then maybe you will get a lot more out of the class. But if not, I would say it's not worth the time, stress, effort, and humiliation that you will endure taking this class.