Reviews for PUAF201

Information Review
David Crocker

Expecting a B
Professor Crocker is an excellent professor. He is such an intelligent man with lots of experience. You really have to get to know him and get on his good side and class will be a breeze for you. You will have to get used to his style of lecture, after all, he is old. But he knows what he is teaching. He is an excellent name in the Public Policy field. He loves it when students really get involved in the conversation and translate it on to leadership roles on campus and in the community. He handles the Public Leadership program well and it is one of the most reputable and the best program in the the Scholars program, thanks to him.
David Crocker

Expecting an A
Dr. Crocker is a nice man, and his heart is in the right place. I enjoyed discussing sports with him before and after class. With that that said, he may be slightly out of touch with students due to the huge age-gap. I would definitely say that his lectures are painfully boring, and largely repetitive. I took his class because it was required for the Public Leadership Scholar's program, so I'm not sure how much choice one has in choosing him as a professor. He also definitely picks favorites, so it's up to you if you want to be a brown-noser. While he's not the best, he's certainly not the worst.
David Crocker

Expecting an A
Crocker is a great guy, but the class is GOD AWFUL. Public Leadership is a waste of my time, but if you're into extra community service, and more work than other scholars go ahead and take Public Leadership
David Crocker

Expecting a B
Awful teacher. Boring to the bone and the material is just the worst. I was lured into this program with promises of becoming a better public leader and it turned out to be something completely different. It's basically a history course with current events quizzes in the colloquium. If you want to become a better public leader, DO NOT take this course because I didn't gain anything from it. Dr. Crocker himself just went on and on about personal stories and other unimportant information that made the class unbearable to go to, but you have to because participation is graded unbelievably hard. Students have to raise their hand at least 3 or 4 times in class in order to get an A in participation. I would have been a brown-noser in this class except I hated all of the TA's and the kids as well, so it wasn't worth it. This class is a complete waste of time and the program was even worse.
David Crocker

Expecting an A
This class and the program is repetitive but is not bad at all. Dont listen to what has been said about Dr. Crocker because its completely false. If you put any effort into the class you can get an A and I am proof that you dont have to brown nose to get that grade. You simply have to be mildly intelligent and he may not curve but that just means welcome to college and do you work ! He is a good teacher and the program itself is not bad at all. Dont listen to that one post....people are just immature and cant handle not being spoon fed everything
David Crocker

Expecting a B
Hands down--THE worst professor I have encountered. I was fooled all along thinking that I would get an A in this class seeing as how you just had to go to class, read a few books, and write two papers, and do some community service. But no matter how much you do, he is not biased in grading or so he says, and will ONLY give A's to those students who talk the loudest/the most and go up to him after every class--I call them brown nosers. Everything is graded so arbitrarily and unfairly in this course. The class is broken into 3 sections (for discussion) and 2 of them are with his TA's (who are very easy) the 3rd one is with him, if you are in that one I hear you are graded even harder. I didn't start putting an effort in until the second half of the semester and did very well but still did not make the grade because there is no consideration for improving or doing better or "Curve"! Beware and avoid the PL program at all costs!
David Crocker

Expecting a B
He's a very nice old man! He repeats himself a lot though. The class itself is really repetitive (Public Leadership Scholars) but I do feel I came out learning at least a little bit. You have to buy a bunch of books for the course but most of us just shared our books around the floor. Not much is required in lecture unless you want to do some extra credit. There weren't that many assignments, but it might change next year..