Special Topics in Film Studies I; Global Film Censorship from the Cold War to the Digital Age
Cross-listed with FILM329M. Credit only granted for: FILM329M or SLLC368M. This online course will consider the global censorship of features films and other moving images (including animations, online videos, and art gallery projections) since 1945 to the present day. These films and moving images, censored, challenged, or banned on political, social, sexual, religious grounds, and for violent contents, will provide fascinating material to consider the relationship between culture and politics, morality, and ideology.
Sister Courses: SLLC368A, SLLC368B, SLLC368C, SLLC368D, SLLC368I, SLLC368J, SLLC368K, SLLC368L, SLLC368N, SLLC368O, SLLC368T, SLLC368V, SLLC368Z
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