Seminar: Theory and Performance Studies; Introduction to Performance Studies

Also offered as AMST428R. Using an expansive exploration of performance art as a guide, this seminar will introduce students to the theoretical and methodological paradigms that define performance studies as a field. Particular attention will be given to the blurring of art and life, the politics of identity and representation, and the strategies of creative activism.

Sister Courses: THET408A, THET408B, THET408C, THET408D, THET408E, THET408G, THET408I, THET408K, THET408L, THET408M, THET408N, THET408O, THET408P, THET408R, THET408T, THET408U, THET408W, THET408X, THET408Y, THET408Z

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.