Special Topics in Advanced Theatre and Performance; Literature, Art and Architecture in London

This course will be a virtual visit to London and some of its surrounding towns and villages important to the study of literature, history, archaeology, architecture, and art. We will also cover cover theatre, museums, galleries, and historic sites, and major major writers' homes -- looking at their origins, growth, and sometimes their decline and fall. We'll also read plays and other texts about the places we visit and the people who once inhabited them. This course is an education in an oi itself: As Samuel Johnson said: "When one is tired of London, he is tired of life." This is a Global Classrooms course, developed in partnership with the Office of International Affairs (OIA) to provide virtual opportunities for global engagement. Global Classrooms can range from embedded experiences to immersive, project-based collaboration. Learn more about Global Classrooms:

Sister Courses: THET428A, THET428B, THET428C, THET428D, THET428F, THET428G, THET428J, THET428L, THET428M, THET428N, THET428P, THET428Q, THET428V, THET428W, THET428Y

Past Semesters

16 reviews
Average rating: 4.06

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.