Reviews for WGSS255

Information Review
Danuta Hinc

Expecting a C+
The class itself is super easy and not difficult at all as long as you put in even the smallest effort. The only issue I had was that participation was a VERY huge chunk of the overall grade. The semester I had this class, I was going through really personal issues that made it difficult to get to class sometimes and I was thankful that she had Zoom meetings for those who couldn't attend class. I would send her emails throughout the semester and attend the Zoom meetings but she only released the participation grades at the very END of the semester. I literally went from a 100% to a C+. I actually really enjoyed the class assignments/lessons and put in a lot of effort so it was very disappointing to end up with this grade. I told her specifically the dates and even what we learned in the lectures that I did attend in Zoom but she said she didn't have my attendance recorded??? I eventually had to give up and just accept the grade. There's a previous review that says she talks about herself a lot in class and that is true. I remember she was kind of rude with her response when a guy commented something (this is a class where we read women's writing but he didn't really make a rude comment that was meant to be offensive).