Advanced Special Topics in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Race and Reproduction
Cross-listed with AASP499C, AMST498E, SOCY498F, SOCY699B, and WMST698R. This course extends abortion rights and its connection to gender, class and racial politics in which trace from institutionalized racism, colonialism, religion, and gender/racial inequality. Students will develop a historical, contemporary, and comparative understanding of race and reproductive policy. They will connect policing and survelliance within policy formation to witness the power behind bodily and population control on a national and global scale. Students will use data and methodology to examine these issues in policy and practice.
Sister Courses: WGSS498A, WGSS498B, WGSS498C, WGSS498D, WGSS498I, WGSS498J, WGSS498K, WGSS498M, WGSS498Y, WGSS498Z
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