Course Difficulty

This tool shows the average GPA of courses and departments at the University of Maryland — College Park. The grade data includes all courses taught at UMD in the Fall and Spring from 2012 onwards. Semesters which were taught Pass / Fail are not included.

Please note that average GPA is not a great metric for judging a course's difficulty. We believe students should not take a course based on which professor gives the highest grades. Of course, it is up to you; we do our best to provide the data to help you make an informed decision.

Difficulty by department

Department Average GPA # Students

Difficulty by course

Course Average GPA # Students

GPA calculations are done according to UMD's grade to quality points rules. All withdrawals (W) are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Only departments and courses with 100 or more students are included. Courses and departments which can only be taken pass/fail are not included in this list.

Data is not guaranteed to be correct. The source of the data can be found here.