Special Topics in African American Studies; Get Out: The Sunken Place of Race Relations in Post-Racial America

This course will use the film Get Out to delve into the production, evolution and significance of race in present day America. The course will engage multiple forms of media to investigate life in "Post-Racial" America, including but not limited to the role of stereotypes, interracial relationships, police-community relations, etc

Sister Courses: AASP298A, AASP298B, AASP298C, AASP298D, AASP298I, AASP298L, AASP298M, AASP298P, AASP298V, AASP298Z

Past Semesters

26 reviews
Average rating: 2.85

19 reviews
Average rating: 4.89

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.