Special Topics in Black Culture; 21st Century Black Feminisms

Cross-listed with WMST428L. Built loosely around Dr. Brittney Cooper's 2018 Black feminist manifes to Eloquent Rage this course looks at black women's anger as a generativ e force for social change. Through reading Cooper's book and the interse ctional black feminists texts that inspired it, this course will explore black women's sexuality and family life, black popular culture, black w omen's politics, black women's bodily autonomy, and the simmering rage w hich under girds many black women's experiences in the United States.

Sister Courses: AASP498B, AASP498E, AASP498G, AASP498I, AASP498J, AASP498K, AASP498N, AASP498O, AASP498P, AASP498Q, AASP498R, AASP498U, AASP498W, AASP498Y, AASP498Z

Past Semesters

8 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

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Average rating: N/A

4 reviews
Average rating: 3.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.