Reviews for AASP499T

Information Review
Joseph Richardson

Richardson can come off as scary (there were a few times where he yelled at our class when he was not impressed with the quality of our writing), but if you put effort into the assignments,he will appreciate it and it will show in your grade. We had reaction papers to films due every week or sometimes every other week, but its only 3 pages, so not that bad at all. If you turn in A level work (which, if you are in a 400+ level class, you should be able to do) you will get an A in the class, simple as that. If you do the reaction papers right before class and put no effort into it, I almost guarantee you will get a C or below on the assignment. You don't necessarily need to keep up with the readings week after week, just be able to find relevant passages from the books to relate to the main themes of the class. Also, he got upset when we went over page limits for the reaction papers, but his prompts asked for SO MUCH information that I totally understood why we all went over the 3 page limit. Overall a great professor who makes you change the way you see the problems that face the black community. Very knowledgable professor.
Joseph Richardson

Expecting a B
He's a great prof. Really knowledgeable about the juvenile justice system. Liked the class but we had to write a paper nearly every week so that sucked. Overall I would recommend this class.