Seminar in American Studies; Introduction to Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities

Cross-listed with MITH610. Credit granted for AMST629U or MITH610. Digital Studies is an interdisciplinary approach to scholarship and teaching that combines the critical study of new forms of digital media,culture, and identity with creative practices and the application of computational tools to areas of humanistic study. While it is often hands-on or applied, Digital Studies also demands approaches that are primarily critical, theoretical, speculative, or experimental- imaginative-in nature. Broadly speaking then, Digital Studies is a response to the widespread influence of digital media across nearly every aspect of contemporary life; more specifically, it recognizes that teaching, research, and scholarship in the arts and humanities cannot and will not remain isolated from the networks, platforms, and media providers all around us. This course is designed to introduce you to several different (and divergent) topics and practices in this diverse, complex, and rapidly changing area.

Sister Courses: AMST629A, AMST629C, AMST629D, AMST629I, AMST629J, AMST629K, AMST629L, AMST629M, AMST629N, AMST629O, AMST629T

Past Semesters

6 reviews
Average rating: 4.50

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.