Reviews for ANSC227

Information Review
R Apter

Expecting an A+
Easy class, no exams just open note lab quizzes for homework. Attendance is taken during lecture, but you can miss up to 3 classes with no penalty. 6 journal entries (2 ish pages) and 3 discussion board posts. Material is pretty outdated though, so I found it quite boring and redundant at times. If you're already knowledgable in our agricultural/food production systems, this class will be easy but probably boring for you.
R Apter

Expecting an A+
This is a great class to fill your gen ed requirement. Lectures consisted of him reading from the slides, with a "notecard exercise" where he would ask a question based off the material he taught and students would turn it in. Basically, it was to make sure you came to class and you got full points if you try a little. Very little out of class work, very low stress. Also in labs we always make food, for example: chicken breast, eggs, kombucha, and lots of other fun snacks. I would recommend this class!!
R Apter

Expecting an A
I took this course during the spring 2024 semester; not only because I needed the natural science credit, but I thought this course would be interesting, and it was with professor Apter. Although lectures can be boring from time to time, as he does read off the slides most of the time, but overall the content is really interesting and he makes it enjoyable, I enjoyed going to lectures and labs for sure. The workload for this course is light, as there are only about 6 writing assignments (journal entries) and weekly online quizzes based on the labs. The labs have been for the most part engaging as a lot of them have been cooking labs, such as during one lab about bread... he made us bread. You also have to attend every lecture to complete an easy notecard prompt/question (basically for attendance and completion, most of the questions he gives are based on your own opinion or experience or knowledge, so there isn't a right or wrong). Professor Apter is an incredibly chill and nice professor, I have never had any issues with him whatsoever. This course has been stress-free and was filled with interesting topics. I learned a lot from this course and highly recommend taking it! Please try to not come late to the class, I always feel bad for him whenever students come in late and then he has to take some time to hand out the notecards either during the beginning of class or when it's time to fill out our notecards. Seems like a hassle but if you can't help it, it's fine.
R Apter

Expecting an A+
He definitely seems checked out during this online session. Lots of auto-generated emails with the wrong dates, wrong semester, wrong assignments. I liked the class, the material was interesting, the quizzes were easy, and the journal entries were graded generously. Definitely recommend as an I-Series Gen Ed BUT never take this class online (if it is even offered that way again). You miss out on the best parts of the class.
R Apter

i really enjoyed this class even though it was asynchronous, highly recommend for a gen ed! i learned so much but at the same time it was manageable. Took it as asynchronous, so it would've been more fun with synchronous labs (making food..) The most tedious part was the multiple short JE responses (3 page papers throughout the course), but not bad.