Three-Dimensional Digital Documentation: Using Laser-based Measurement Systems

This course focuses on the fundamentals of documenting components of the built environment and the landscapes in which they are located. Also, on the use of lasers to calculate 3-D measurements at various scales, from objects, to buildings, and landscapes. Data management and archiving, field documentation processes, and post-processing of scan point cloud are covered. This includes the production of deliverables for clients or project partners, such as plans, elevations, orthoimagery, and cleaned exported point clouds in formats that are compatible with Autodesk software and other CAD or rendering software platforms. This course is intended for students working in fields that rely on accurately documenting components of the built environment in three dimension, including architects, engineers, preservationists, archaeologists, or digital designers.

Past Semesters

4 reviews
Average rating: 2.75

4 reviews
Average rating: 2.75

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.