Film as Art; Seeing Through Film: How Movies Mean
This course explores how Hollywood entertainment films have meanings beyond their plots: where the form carries the actual meaning, where the form is the meaning, where the films undermine themselves, films that are self-aware comments on genre, films that reconstruct other films, films with alternate meanings, films that elucidate philosophical ideas, films that can be either serious or comic depending upon the audience, and films that tell very different stories depending upon the culture of the audience.
Sister Courses: ARTH359, ARTH359A, ARTH359B, ARTH359C, ARTH359D, ARTH359E, ARTH359F, ARTH359G, ARTH359I, ARTH359L, ARTH359M, ARTH359O, ARTH359R, ARTH359T, ARTH359W
Past Semesters
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