Reviews for BIOE453

Information Review
Erika Moore

Expecting an A+
Such an amazing professor. She acc cares about your learning and helps you whenever u need. We also had some field trips and guess lecturers during the course thanks to her.
Tao Lowe

Expecting an A
She is one of the best professors I have ever had. Her explanations are really good, her presentations are really exciting to listen to, and despite her heavy accent, she is easy to understand. I really recommend her, especially as an upper level bioe course. The whole course was really organized, and I didn't have to dedicate a significant amount of effort when friends in Dr. He from last semester were putting in double the time I was.
Tao Lowe

Expecting an A
Bad explanations, can't make a great presentation, boring to listen to, and has a really heavy accent. Do not recommend especially as an upper level bioe course. Dr. He is so much better and actually tests you on what he expects and makes studying a lot easier and the class more enjoyable. The whole course was incredibly disorganized, difficult to understand expectations, and I had to dedicate a significant amount of effort when friends in Dr. He from last semester were putting in half the time I was. Don't take her unless you absolutely have to.
Xiaoming He

Expecting a B+
Great professor! He is very clear on what you need to study for on the exams. Also, what he wants for the other assignments is very laid out as well. He is a really nice professor who is always willing to help you if you ask.
Peter Kofinas

Expecting an A-
The content was oddly specific, and there was a lot of memorization of seemingly pointless things that we should be able to look up in the real world. In general, it was hard to understand what was important in the course content and why it was important. Kofinas was an ok lecturer, somewhat boring, but the biggest issue is just not knowing how to study for tests. Very helpful method of giving us the homework solutions before the homework was due. I actually learned a lot more from looking at the homework solutions than from the class, and if he had put up the solutions after the homework was due, I probably wouldn't have checked the solutions as carefully.
Peter Kofinas

He's a good guy, but he can be a real tough ass sometimes. His class starts off fairly easy, but it gets significantly harder with a bunch of polymer math. He's not the most engaging in lecture which makes it hard to follow. There a lot of things which aren't on the slides that he tests you on, so recording lectures can be a good idea. The one thing I like about his class is that he spends a good amount of time talking about applications of biomaterials in medical devices. This was really interesting and unlike other BIOE classes where a bunch of useless equations are shoved down your throat, I feel that I learned something useful in this class. His class isn't all that easy and you are going to have to work if you want to get an A. Overall I feel that Kofinas was a pretty good professor and that I did learn a lot from taking his class.