Tao Lowe

This professor has taught: BIOE453, GEMS296, GEMS297
Information Review
Tao Lowe

Expecting an A
She is one of the best professors I have ever had. Her explanations are really good, her presentations are really exciting to listen to, and despite her heavy accent, she is easy to understand. I really recommend her, especially as an upper level bioe course. The whole course was really organized, and I didn't have to dedicate a significant amount of effort when friends in Dr. He from last semester were putting in double the time I was.
Tao Lowe

Expecting an A
Bad explanations, can't make a great presentation, boring to listen to, and has a really heavy accent. Do not recommend especially as an upper level bioe course. Dr. He is so much better and actually tests you on what he expects and makes studying a lot easier and the class more enjoyable. The whole course was incredibly disorganized, difficult to understand expectations, and I had to dedicate a significant amount of effort when friends in Dr. He from last semester were putting in half the time I was. Don't take her unless you absolutely have to.